From $24
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom $24
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom $38
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom $43
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom $43
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom $44
Train - Operated by SNCFROUND-TRIP FROM | $47 |
ONE-WAY FROM | $23 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 5h 15m |
Search for train tickets from Paris to Perpignan Llabanere for this week, starting at $43 one-way. For this month, the average price of a ticket for this train ride is $61 one-way. When you’re booking trains from Paris to Perpignan Llabanere, expect the price to fluctuate depending on when you book.
The quickest train available from Paris will take 5h 02m to arrive in Perpignan Llabanere. Travel time can vary by 0h 13m, so prioritize nonstop options for the quickest arrival. Check SNCF if you need to get to your destination as quickly as possible.
The cost of booking a train from Paris to Perpignan Llabanere is around $61 one-way. You can expect the price to be consistent throughout the next 3 months.
There is a train traveling between Paris and Perpignan Llabanere which is SNCF and currently our only available option.. The cheapest SNCF is what we have recently available with prices starting at $47 round-trip.
The straight-line distance from Paris to Perpignan Llabanere is 426.2 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. In terms of time, a normal route is around 5h 02m.
The carbon footprint of taking the train from Paris to Perpignan Llabanere is about 94lb. A flight for this same journey would have a footprint of about 667lb. Buses to Perpignan Llabanere from Paris have a carbon footprint of 59lb on average.
We’ve found that taking a flight from Paris to Perpignan with Transavia France is more time-efficient when based simply on travel duration. A train from Paris to Perpignan or a bus from Paris to Perpignan can take you longer than a 1h 30m flight.
A train from Paris to Perpignan is currently going to be the least expensive option currently available. You can also find deals for a flight from Paris to Perpignan starting at $121, or consider a bus from Paris to Perpignan starting at $60. Both of these alternative options are worth considering when looking to reach your destination.