From $71
Train - Operated by Multiple carriersFrom $87
Train - Operated by Multiple carriersFrom $87
Train - Operated by Multiple carriersFrom $87
Train - Operated by Multiple carriersFrom $93
Train - Operated by Multiple carriersFrom $95
Train - Operated by Multiple carriersROUND-TRIP FROM | $153 |
ONE-WAY FROM | $71 |
Ride to your destination comfortably on SNCF and Eurostar. Consider SNCF, Eurostar as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from London to Lyon-Saint Exupéry starting at $153.
While Lyon-Saint Exupéry is 456.2 mi away from London, the distance by train is longer depending on the route.
Carbon emissions when taking the train out of London to Lyon-Saint Exupéry are around 108lb. Carbon emissions for flights between these two cities are around 410lb. This journey by bus would lower emissions to around 68lb.
To save time, the fastest way to travel is by flight from London to Lyon on easyJet. Expect the length of time you’ll spend onboard easyJet to be about 1h 35m compared to taking a train from London to Lyon or a bus from London to Lyon which have been found to be slower alternatives.
A flight from London to Lyon from $34 can save you up to 77% on the cost of your trip compared to booking a train from London to Lyon or a bus from London to Lyon.