From $37
Train - Operated by EurostarFrom $38
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom $38
Train - Operated by EurostarFrom $42
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom $42
Train - Operated by SNCFFrom $43
Train - Operated by SNCFROUND-TRIP FROM | $43 |
ONE-WAY FROM | $37 |
AVG TRAVEL TIME | 1h 27m |
The most time-efficient journey by train from Brussels Bruxelles-National to Paris currently available is 1h 22m. For this route, you may experience slight differences in travel time depending on the train you book. Look for nonstop options when searching if possible. Eurostar is one of the fastest options available.
The trains offering service from Brussels Bruxelles-National to Paris Eurostar and SNCF. Eurostar has been found as the cheapest option available at $43 round-trip.
The straight-line distance from Brussels Bruxelles-National to Paris is 170.1 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. The train usually takes 1h 22m in normal conditions.
The quickest way to travel this route is to take a flight from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Paris, doing so can potentially save up to 2h 50m of travel time. While these options may take longer, booking a train from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Paris or a bus from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Paris may suit your needs if travel time is less of a factor in your decision making.
Taking a bus to your destination is the cheapest option we’ve found in the past few days. The cheapest price we’ve found for this option is $24, making it less expensive than a flight from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Paris and cheaper than a train from Brussels Bruxelles-National Airport to Paris.