Enjoy value-based comforts at the B&B Hotel Milano San Siro. Each guestroom features modern decor and familiar accommodations to help you make the most of your Italy vacation. Families and couples can enjoy the quiet location away from the bustle of the city, but still within reach of public transportation and the center of Milan.
When you arrive at the B&B Hotel Milano San Siro, you'll be given access to the free high-speed Internet that you can use wirelessly throughout the hotel. Get additional services and accommodations through the front desk, which stays open 24/7. If you are staying for work reasons, you can use the on-site business center to access a computer or a photocopier. Those who want to go on an adventure can rent bicycles and explore the surrounding areas of the city.
The B&B Hotel Milano San Siro has 150 guestrooms that are fitted with blackout curtains, satellite TV, and a private bathroom with a bidet. Some rooms come with disability access with grab rails and wheelchair-accessible locations so that everyone can stay comfortable during their vacation.
Enjoy a free breakfast buffet in the lobby of the hotel each morning, and try out a local lunch or dinner by walking 10 minutes to Osteria Ippodromo or Ribot. Other nearby dining options include Canter 1920 and Osteria Dei Mosaici.
The B&B Hotel Milano San Siro is 10 minutes or less on foot to a number of famous landmarks that include San Siro Stadium, Monte Stella, and Museo Dello Stadio Meazza, to name just a few.