AVG TRAVEL TIME | 1h 52m |
The quickest train available from Cologne Köln/Bonn will take 1h 51m to arrive in Brussels Bruxelles-National. Travel time can vary by 0h 01m, so prioritize nonstop options for the quickest arrival. Look into Eurostar, they have one of the quickest options available.
Ride to your destination comfortably on Eurostar. Consider Eurostar as it’s been found as the cheapest option to get from Cologne Köln/Bonn to Brussels Bruxelles-National starting at $138.
The straight-line distance from Cologne Köln/Bonn to Brussels Bruxelles-National is 107.5 mi, but the actual distance you’ll travel by train depends on the route taken. The train journey is around 1h 51m long.