Find trains from Chicago to San Diego

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Oct 22 — Oct 291
1 adult
Tue 10/22

Chicago Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Chicago
Chicago UnionChicago, 41.87864, -87.64025

San Diego Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in San Diego
San Diego (Sorrento Valley)San Diego, 32.902683, -117.22489
San Diego Old TownSan Diego, 32.755264, -117.20007
San Diego UCSD Health La Jolla StationSan Diego, 32.881756, -117.223694
San Diego Santa Fe DepotSan Diego, 32.716167, -117.16958

FAQs for booking trains from Chicago to San Diego

How far is Chicago to San Diego by train?

A train from Chicago to San Diego will travel much more than the 1730.3 mi distance between them. The actual distance depends on the route taken, and stops along the way.

Popular train routes to San Diego

Most frequently searched train routes to San Diego, along with the cheapest price and shortest travel time.
Trains to San Diego from Los Angeles
Fastest travel time2h 38m
Cheapest price$71

Other train routes from Chicago

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Trains from Chicago to Los Angeles
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Cheapest price$283
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Cheapest price$89
Trains from Chicago to Boston
Fastest travel time21h 54m
Cheapest price$241
Trains from Chicago to Grand Rapids
Fastest travel time4h 04m
Cheapest price$66

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