
Find trains from Austin to Dallas Love Field Airport

Search for cheap train tickets from Austin to Dallas Love Field Airport and book your trip in minutes.

sep. 10 — sep. 171
1 adult
mar. 9/10

Best deals for train tickets from Austin to Dallas Love Field Airport

Find the right train ticket for you
With transfers
5h 54m
With transfers
5h 54m
With transfers
5h 54m
With transfers
5h 54m
With transfers
5h 54m
With transfers
5h 54m

Austin Train Station Directory

Location of major train stations in Austin
Austin Train StationAustin, 30.26945, -97.75694

Book round-trip train tickets from Austin to Dallas Love Field Airport

Below are the quickest and cheapest round-trip train tickets from Austin to Dallas Love Field Airport that we could find in the past 72 hours. You can also search by a specific date by using the search form above.
Sep 23
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 24
12:00 pmDallas Union
6h 35m
6:35 pmAustin Train Station
Sep 29
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 30
12:00 pmDallas Union
6h 50m
6:50 pmAustin Train Station
Oct 5
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Oct 12
12:00 pmDallas Union
6h 50m
6:50 pmAustin Train Station
Sep 21
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 24
12:00 pmDallas Union
6h 35m
6:35 pmAustin Train Station
Sep 16
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 18
12:00 pmDallas Union
6h 50m
6:50 pmAustin Train Station
Sep 10
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 11
12:00 pmDallas Union
6h 35m
6:35 pmAustin Train Station

Book one-way train tickets from Austin to Dallas Love Field Airport

Below are the fastest and cheapest one-way train tickets from Austin to Dallas Love Field Airport we’ve found in the last 72 hours. Select a deal below or use the search form above to find train tickets by date.
Sep 30
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 18
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 10
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 27
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Oct 15
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 21
9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
3:18 pmDallas Union

Choose the best way to get from Austin to Dallas


3h 35m
$30 one-way$67 round-trip
Nonstop · from $67

Distance to downtown

US31476314.1 mi
28lb CO2

75% less than flights

Find Buses

Austin to Dallas Love Field Airport Buses


5h 54m
$20 one-way$40 round-trip
Nonstop · from $40

Distance to downtown

DA90.5 mi


1h 00m
$95 one-way$190 round-trip
Nonstop · from $1901 stop · from $138

Distance to downtown

DAL5.1 mi

FAQs for booking trains from Austin to Dallas

How far is Austin Bergstrom to Dallas Love Field by train?

Austin Bergstrom and Dallas Love Field are 184.9 mi apart from one another, but the actual distance by train depends on the route taken.

What is the carbon footprint of a train from Austin Bergstrom to Dallas Love Field?

Traveling from Austin Bergstrom to Dallas Love Field by train has a carbon footprint of about 45lb. Flying this journey instead would increase your carbon footprint to around 115lb. Buses to Dallas Love Field from Austin Bergstrom have a carbon footprint of 28lb on average.

Amtrak trains from Austin to Dallas

Our best Amtrak deals on Austin to Dallas train tickets
Sep 23
9US9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
DA93:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 24
DA912:00 pmDallas Union
6h 35m
9US6:35 pmAustin Train Station
Sep 17
9US9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
DA93:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 19
DA912:00 pmDallas Union
6h 35m
9US6:35 pmAustin Train Station
Sep 20
9US9:24 amAustin Train Station
5h 54m
DA93:18 pmDallas Union
Sep 22
DA912:00 pmDallas Union
6h 35m
9US6:35 pmAustin Train Station

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