“Personally everyday that I scroll through my facebook news feed or watch the news, I feel hopeless. I feel so disconnected and scared for my future and the future of this planet.I want to be apart of something..anything to help us as a human race to be better. To put love and compassion before hate and prejudice. I want to share my love to anyone who will listen in hopes that they will see the world in a new light. “
“The world feels very divided at times but it's impossible to divide us. We are all connected to each other and the world we live in. We do need reminding that we are a species that needs to stick together, we can do, create and feel beautiful things if we have passion for ourselves and one another. My reason is because I'm about to go on an epic sailing adventure, the sailing community is very connected and if that can grow worldwide, how amazing would that be!“
“I believe that the entire world is ours to share. I have a passion for travel and a passion for people. I work with people with Learning Disabilities and I see every day how devided society is which breaks my heart.“
“as a tattoo artist I can see the need of acceptance in every single client and friend that I have, no matter the status, race, color or any other factor, we all have the same need of acceptance. If I can be part of this project and help in any way I'm in.“
“In this world where instead of understand that we are all the same we are fighting against each other, with no reason. People still think that not all the people should have the same right, same respect, same hope for life and this is something that I can't stand.
This is so sad, so If I can do something to show that there no difference between me and another person from any other country of the world I really would like to do it. “
“No living thing can choose in which country, in what culture and in what time they are born into. Country borders are man made. I want the globe to live its life in peace, harmony and loving kindness.
Even though I realize all that what I stated above, it is hard to compell in everyday life. I realized this great reality of love in the last summer in the vipassana meditation retrite and have taken small steps towards a less egocentric life. This would be one step towards the more unite world.“
“The world is full of different stories, believes, ways of thinking, good and bad decisions and ways to grow. Those experiences combined would always make us stronger. Together we can learn from each other. We can celebrate the achievements and be there for the disappointments. In the end, we are humans and as humans we must thrive together, cry together and laugh together. Instead of exacerbate our differences and live in a bubble.“
“The world is a better place, when we come together, are together and work together. We all need to meet new people throughout our whole lives to see each other away from our own "playground", and thereby learn, understand.“
“I’m a firm believer in self determination. Each and everyone of us should have the right to be who or what we want to be without discrimination. I want to bring the world together because our differences are humanities strongest asset. Let the different people of the world come together and share positive energy.“
“Every day I see more and more hate going on in the world. Hate for people that are different from the once hating, going both ways. But the differences between us are only superficial and I think it's time for everyone to realise that. Skin color, religion, sexuality, nationality, etc., these are all just labels that makes us think that we are different from each other, when in reality, we are more alike than most people realise.
“We must cooperate to bring our world together. The world's a village and in a village you must know your neigbour to avoid hostile behavior and alienation.
Let's all learn to speak the same language - The Language of Love❤️“
“More and more countries are closing their borders, not letting in people who are not "like them" but are still human beings with dignity and value. There is too much hate and fear of "the other" without ever trying to get to know who "the other" really is. We need to stop believing what we see on the news about people and meet with them face to face. No two people are alike and yet we all share universal hopes and dreams.“
“"Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope."
Being a queer person of colour I know first hand that coming together in love is vital!
My early life was spent isolated, unable to interact with people, afraid of people but the love of others-strangers brought me back, they came together for me to heal and do better. If we can come together for each other we can all heal and do better.“
“I was born right before the Balkan wars in the 90s. Forcing my mother to flee the country with two small kids. 25 years after the war stopped, the world seems even more torned apart than ever before. We need a united force to fight climate changes, wars, starvation and help each other in bad times. “
“I want to change the world.
I believe that it can be done through the simplest of actions: being kind to one another without any agenda; helping one another if we are asked to; trying to understand a different point of view than our own; creating healthy habitats for animals and plants; striving to pollute less; telling the truth; lobbying for a life focusing on doing good, and not on amassing power...
We could truly be happy and live in harmony. We are capable of that, it's inside of us! “
“My children need to have a peaceful world to live in. “
“Traveling and experiencing places and cultures different from your own is the surest way to open your mind and raise awareness.“
“As a person who is basically still alive because strangers from around the world were willing to help, I believe with all my heart that all we may need, all we may be left with when the worst comes are the connections we make with eachother. If 3 people who have never met can cause so much positivity in eachothers lives, I can't imagine the good that will manifest when and if we put aside all our differences and come together.“
“There is a string that connects each of us with every other single person in the world. Traveling is discovering this wire and stretching it to get closer. If we are connected, we can change the World, together.“
“You cannot understand the world around you if you are stuck in your own mind, bias, & beliefs. The only way to break those barriers down is to visit & talk to those who are vastly different (and be open-minded & understanding). I believe that most of the problems & misunderstandings in the world come from either a lack of understanding of each other or the refusal to understand/accept each other. Finding people willing to have open & honest conversations can help greatly. “