Get quality, affordable lodging and close proximity to all the Stockholm has to offer when you stay at The Red Boat Hotel & Hostel.
Featuring a number of amenities for travelers of all ages, The Red Boat Hotel & Hostel is designed with your comfort in mind. The 24-hour front desk is available whenever you need service, while free newspapers are offered daily to all guests. Free Wi-Fi is available to all guests, so you’ll be able to stay connected even while you’re traveling. This non-smoking property also features a shared lounge with a television and a sun terrace for relaxation. A lounge is also available for drinks and snacks when you need a break.
The Red Boat Hotel & Hostel features 36 guest rooms, all equipped with a number of creature comforts to make your stay more pleasurable. These quaint spaces all have beds and comfortable linens, along with private bathrooms.
A breakfast buffet is offered daily on the property, giving you and your fellow travelers a quick boost before you venture out into the area. Restaurants within walking distances are plentiful, with more than 75 accessible on foot. Some popular restaurants to visit include Nostrano, which serves Italian cuisine, and Tabbouli Libanesisk Bar & Kok, which is just a three-minute walk away from the hotel and serves Lebanese cuisine.
Area attractions are plentiful, including Postmuseum and Katarina Hissen, both of which are tourist attractions. A number of government buildings and popular landmarks can be found within a short distance of the hotel.