Enjoy the luxury and decadence of the early 1900s at Hotel Gota Avenyn. Centrally located in Gothenburg, it’s near numerous attractions, unforgettable sites, and delicious cuisine.
Complimentary Wi-Fi keeps you connected while you are away from home or the office. You can also enjoy complimentary coffee and pastries. The professional hospitality service is sure to make you feel at home. Those traveling for business can also enjoy special business rates.
Each room at Hotel Gota Avenyn features a flatscreen LED television, so you can relax and unwind in the comfort of your room. You can also choose from a single, double, or family room. All rooms have sitting areas, so you can socialize, play games, or conduct business. You’ll appreciate the simple yet elegant decor and styles.
Guests at Hotel Gota Avenyn can partake in the complimentary breakfast buffet each morning. It’s stocked with eggs, bacon, yogurt, bread and cheeses, cold-cut meats, cereal options, and beverages, such as juice and coffee.
There is plenty to do in Gothenburg, and Hotel Got Avenyn is conveniently located. Whether you’re traveling with family for vacation, with a partner for an anniversary, or simply wanting to enjoy your business trip with some sightseeing and shopping, there are numerous options. Liseberg amusement park offers a whole day of entertainment, while the Universeum science center is a great place to learn something new. In the evening, stop in at a pub in Haga and snap some photos of great architecture and courtyards.