Gran Hotel Las Fuentes offers a highly rated beach stay at an affordable rate. You don’t have to sacrifice comfort and quality; this modern hotel goes a long way at providing valuable service. Special conditional offers can save you additional money; such as couples' savings, lowered rates when booking on certain weekdays, and discounts for longer-term stays. More information is available through the hotel’s website.
Rooms at this hotel offer two plush full-size beds. Layouts vary so that you can choose a room that most suits your needs. Accommodations allow for a maximum of four adults, depending on which room you choose. Gran Hotel Las Fuentes provides complimentary spa access for 30 minutes each day. At the spa zone, utilize the gym, sauna, and Turkish baths. The hotel has four swimming pools and is surrounded by vibrant gardens. Go to the on-site bar for a drink and take a short stroll to the beach or bring it up to your private balcony. Various activities are available for kids at the Fantasia Animation on hotel grounds. Kids can participate in sandcastle building, pool games, and sports tournaments in a safe environment.
The restaurant at Gran Hotel Las Fuentes serves food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; specialized gluten-free and children’s meals are offered. With so much activity, you can stop at the coffee bar to re-energize. Should you decide to venture out, the hotel is close to many attractions. Scenic beaches offer beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea. Papagayo Garden zoo and Parque Aventura d’Or theme park provide additional entertainment for all ages.