Whether you want to carve up the powder in Blackcomb, swoop into SkiWelt, or go off-piste in St. Moritz, the idea of renting somebody else’s well-worn, uncomfortable and expensive equipment is likely to put a downer on your perfect snowy holiday.

So don’t! It’s cheap and hassle-free to buy your own gear and bring it on-board with you. If you’re flying with airlines like Jetblue and SouthWest Airlines it’s absolutely free.

Here’s a rundown of the allowances and charges in Euros from 12 airlines.

About the author

Stine Gjevnøe SørensenTea-addict, Christmas enthusiast and humble scribe – this is Stine. You’re likely to find her at the nearest yoga studio, buried deep in news and current affairs content, or with her eyes glued to the latest Netflix-fling. If she’s not out exploring Europe, South America, and South East Asia, that is.

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