
We know that one of the most stressful things about planning a vacation is wondering how to get cheap flights. When is the best time to book and when should you fly?

We’ve analyzed more than 100 million fares on thousands of routes* to bring you the most up-to-date and accurate figures, enabling you to make a highly informed decision on when to book flight tickets.

If you’re wondering how to get cheap flights, look no further. No matter if you’re booking flights for business, leisure, or a meditation retreat, our Annual Flight Study is your gateway to finding out how to book cheap flights.

Let’s break it down!

The best time to book is 60 days in advance. That could save you up to 34% (booking a flight the same day is the most expensive, with prices potentially being up to 36% more).

The best day of the week to fly is on Tuesday, which could save you up to 11%. You might want to avoid Saturdays, as they can add up to 10% to your ticket price.

And finally, try to fly in the evening for potential savings of up to 9%.

Read more: find out if you can get money back after a delayed or canceled flight

Now that you’re all clued up on the latest data and insights, search for your next flight and be sure to set a Fare Alert to keep track of those prices!

More travel inspiration

*Based on an analysis of  more than 100 million fares from searches done on over a thousand routes across all momondo domains between 06/08/16 – 07/08/17. Data collection took place on 08/08/17

About the author

Lara MuladyPut Lara, our copywriter, anywhere in the American Southwest or Scotland and she’s blissfully happy. When at home, she’s still happy, hanging out with her family, watching Ken Burns films and reading as much as she can. Her wife would say she has too much LEGO, but Lara would strongly disagree.

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