Author spotlight

Olivia Burchea

Meet Olivia: she is an experienced bookworm, relaxation specialist, and our Editorial Assistant. Olivia spent her entire childhood on the couch with a book - or browsing the shelves of bookstores. When Olivia is not immersed in another novel, you'll likely find her somewhere sipping coffee, cycling, or planning her next trip - to Europe or East Asia. Next on her list are Japan and Italy.
Do your share: tips on reducing your use of plastic while traveling

Wondering how you can travel plastic-free? Here are the best tips on reducing your plastic use while traveling

Finding the soul of Seoul: a week in South Korea’s bustling capital

A mix of tradition and modernity, organization and chaos, Seoul offers something distinctly different to other Asian metropolises. We...

Summer in the city: Europe’s best urban beaches

Summer is here, the sun is out and cities are turning urban riverfronts into makeshift paradises. Read on for...

Below the surface: 9 incredible underground cities

Underground cities are the fascinating foundations that uncover the secrets of life above. While many of these subterranean worlds...

Pint-size holidays: explore these 8 countries with small populations

Micronations with just a "handful" of inhabitants: have you ever wondered what there is to do in such places?...

Scandinavia’s coolest spot: 3 days in wonderful Copenhagen

Experience one of the world’s happiest, most liveable cities. Here’s your detailed guide to three days of tradition, food,...

Picture perfect: travel photography tips from photojournalist Ami Vitale

Beautiful photography is not just about the camera, it's about building relationships and being present in the moment. Photojournalist...

Rwanda reborn: touring Africa’s newest sustainability star

Biodiverse habitats, gorillas in the wild and plenty of sustainable initiatives – Rwanda is Africa’s newest bucket-list destination. Read...

Réunion Island: 10 days immersed in a diverse and rugged beauty

Looking for a small yet diverse island to escape it all? Here it is! Réunion Island has beaches, rainforests,...