Small Cars | $43 - $138 | |
All Car Types | $51 - $107 |
The best time to rent a Small car from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral, Florida is in December when prices are $43 per day on average. $43 per day is 40% lower than the $72 average yearly price for a Thrifty Small rental in Cape Canaveral. While December may be the cheapest month to rent a Small car from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral, June is the most expensive. However, you may still be able to find great deals in June on Small rental vehicles from Thrifty depending on what day you book.
The best time to rent a Medium car from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral, Florida is in June when prices are $47 per day on average. $47 per day is 23% lower than the $61 average yearly price for a Thrifty Medium rental in Cape Canaveral. While June may be the cheapest month to rent a Medium car from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral, November is the most expensive. However, you may still be able to find great deals in November on Medium rental vehicles from Thrifty depending on what day you book.
The best time to rent a Large car from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral, Florida is in September when prices are $37 per day on average. $37 per day is 40% lower than the $62 average yearly price for a Thrifty Large rental in Cape Canaveral. While September may be the cheapest month to rent a Large car from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral, November is the most expensive. However, you may still be able to find great deals in November on Large rental vehicles from Thrifty depending on what day you book.
In December, you can expect to pay $48 per day on average to rent a car from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral. The cheapest price our users saw for a Cape Canaveral rental car from Thrifty was $38 per day. If you need a rental for more than a couple days, then a week-long Thrifty rental car in Cape Canaveral will cost $338 on average in December. Keep in mind that these deals are based on last year's prices, though you may be able to find similar rates depending on when you make a reservation and what type of car you rent.
Yes, Thrifty has free cancellation for rental cars in Cape Canaveral. However, there may be a cancellation fee for last-minute cancellations. If you have specific questions regarding fees and cancellation policies, then you can call Thrifty at one of their Cape Canaveral locations. Click here to view a list of phone numbers under the Locations tab.
Compact rental cars are the most popular type of vehicle to rent from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral during the month of December. On average, Compact rentals from Thrifty cost $45 per day, while the cheapest price found was $33 per day in December.
The cheapest type of car to rent from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral is the Compact ($45/day on average). In the past year, 36% of our users who rented a car from Thrifty chose the Compact for its cost savings. A Compact also happens to be 21% cheaper than the average cost of the most expensive car available from Thrifty in Cape Canaveral.