Avg travel time | 1h 35m |
On average, two buses depart from Eindhoven to Rotterdam each day. However, there can always be more or fewer depending on the providers. The timetables can always fluctuate during specific days of the week, weekends and holidays. Some departures and arrivals may also change during certain times and seasons of the year. For example, some providers may change their schedules in the summer or Christmas holidays. During busy days some companies can have up to three or four departures. The providers plying this route operate independent programs to accommodate specific customer preferences. For example, some operate direct journeys while some connect to stopovers along the journey. This independence also determines the time you will have to take from one destination to another.
Buses leaving Eindhoven for Rotterdam do so from as early as 5:30 am to as late as 11:30 pm. When traveling the opposite route, the earliest and latest bus departs from around 12:20 am and 11:50 pm, respectively. The bus companies often show their customers the respective schedules to book ideal departure times for the travels.
Buses plying this route offer different amenities to make your ride as comfortable and convenient as possible. Almost all buses have power sockets where you can charge your phone or laptops. They also have free Wi-Fi for all valid ticket holders. The providers often display the Wi-Fi names at strategic places inside the buses. Most buses from Eindhoven to Rotterdam are fitted with air-conditioning systems to guarantee fresh and conducive air. They also have toilets on board, typically situated at the back. The providers require users traveling with children under the age of three to bring on board age-appropriate toddler car seats, which in most cases, you will fit the seat yourself. Disability access is also provided in some buses. We recommend that you check the accessibility of the vehicles on the route before your booking.
You will spend roughly 1h 45min on the road when traveling from Eindhoven to Rotterdam by bus. While this is quite a ride, it has some beautiful natural scenes that make it captivating and leave you yearning for more. Three sites—Loonse En Drunense Duinen, National Park De Biesbosch and Noordwaard polder—standout along this road. Loonse En Drunense Duinen or the Dunes of Loon and Drunen National Park gives you a perfect view of scenic dunes and a view of the sunny desert life. It is located between Tilburg, Waalwijk, and 's-Hertogenbosch to the south of the Netherlands. The other two parks are close to each other just and are notorious for dykes that rise to 2 m above AOD (Amsterdam Ordnance Datum). Here, you may also get to witness green life introduced by the unique freshwater delta in De Biesbosch National Park, one of the largest national parks in the Netherlands.
Passengers traveling from Eindhoven, in most cases, may need to travel from the CBD to get to the Eindhoven bus station. Those arriving in Rotterdam mostly alight at Conradstraat (Centraal Station) and often need to travel to the city center. So, we recommend putting all these factors in your travel plans to avoid any inconvenience during your journey. However, there are several other stations that you can use for this ride. Buses leaving Eindhoven to Rotterdam depart from other stations like John F Kennedylaan, Eindhoven Zandrijk, Bredalaan, Cederlaan, Eidhoven. On reaching Rotterdam, they drop passengers off at Rotterdam, Metrostation Capelsebrug, Rotterdam Bushaltestelle, or Weena - Rotterdam.
The quickest bus available from Eindhoven will take 1h 35m to arrive in Rotterdam The Hague.
The distance between Eindhoven and Rotterdam The Hague is about 54.2 mi in a straight line. In terms of time, 1h 35m by bus is reasonable for normal traffic levels.