Corporate Contact Information

KAYAK Software Corporation and its subsidiaries, or subsidiaries of our parent company Booking Holdings Inc. that we manage (collectively, “KAYAK”, “we”, “our” or “us”) provide services in many different countries. Our Privacy Policy applies to visitors and users of KAYAK’s websites (including but not limited to KAYAK, momondo, HotelsCombined, SWOODOO, Cheapflights, checkfelix, travelsearch and Mundi), applications, social media accounts, and other services. As detailed in our Privacy Policy, KAYAK acts as a data controller of certain personal information about users of KAYAK’s websites. When we act as a data controller of your personal information, the particular entity that is the data controller and service provider depends on which website you visit, and if specified, where you reside, as set forth below:
  • If you reside in North America, South America, or Asia-Pacific and you visit “KAYAK”, or, regardless of where you reside, you visit “Mundi”: KAYAK Software Corporation, 1266 E Main Street, STE 700R, Stamford, CT 06902, USA
  • If you reside in Europe, the Middle East, or Africa and you visit “KAYAK”, or, regardless of where you reside, you visit “SWOODOO” or “Checkfelix”: KAYAK Europe GmbH, Claridenstrasse 25, 8002 Zürich, Switzerland
  • If you visit “momondo”: Momondo A/S, Farvergade 10, 1 DK-1463 Copenhagen K, Denmark
  • If you visit “HotelsCombined”: Hotels Combined Pty Ltd, Suite 1, Level 1, 7 Kelly Street, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia
  • If you visit “Cheapflights”: Momondo Group Ltd, 100 New Bridge Street, London, United Kingdom, EC4V 6JA
If you reside in the European Union and your service provider is located outside the European Union, our representative in the European Union is:

Momondo A/S
Farvergade 10, 1
DK-1463 København K

Each of the above entities is either a subsidiary of KAYAK Software Corporation, a Delaware corporation, or a subsidiary of our parent company Booking Holdings Inc. that we manage, and any and all information concerning you that such subsidiary collects will be jointly used with KAYAK Software Corporation for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy or disclosed to you on our sites or otherwise in connection with our services. The above data controller is responsible for administration of such personal information subject to such joint use by KAYAK Software Corporation (for example, accepting and responding to requests for disclosure and complaints).

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